16th CTREE Conference




IUFRO Unit 2.02.09 - Christmas Trees

The Hosting Organisation of the Conference is University of Copenhagen, where there is a team working with numerious areas related to Christmas tree production.

The conference theme is Christmas tree growing in a broad sense, which include tree growth and cultivation methods, tree pest and diseases, postharvest, market and marketing issues as well as breeding and genetics.

We highly encourage participants to join us here in Denmark. Networking and informal exchange of ideas and potential cooperation and support is one of the core objectives of this conference. Also, we very much welcome new researchers, extension people and students interested in Christmas trees - despite present experience - interest is the sole driver needed.

For those not able to attend physically - we also offer a web-based conference option.


Tornøes Hotel
Strandgade 2
5300 Kerteminde

Pris 8.200 til 11.700 kr. afhængig af indkvartering og længde
Dato og tid 11.08.2024 - 16/8 2024
Tilmeldingsfrist 01.05.2024
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Dispensation til Pomoxon Extra

Miljøstyrelsen har pr. 7. maj 2024 meddelt Danske Juletræer og Nufarm dispensation til anvendelse af Pomoxon Extra i nordmannsgran i perioden 7. maj til 1. august 2024.

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